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博客來-Barefoot Contessa at Home: Everyday Recipes You』ll Make over and over Again博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010808817
Throughout the years that she has lived and worked in East Hampton, Ina Garten has catered and attended countless parties and dinners. She will be the first to tell you, though, that nothing beats a cozy dinner, surrounded by the people you love most, in the comfort that only your own home can provide. In Barefoot Contessa at Home, Ina shares her life in East Hampton, the recipes she loves, and her secrets to making guests feel welcome and comfortable.
For Ina, it□ friends and family□athered around the dinner table or cooking with her in the kitchen -- that really make her house feel like home. Here Ina offers the tried-and-true recipes that she makes over and over again because they□e easy, they work, and they□e universally loved. For a leisurely Sunday breakfast, she has Easy Cheese Danishes or Breakfast Fruit Crunch to serve with the perfect Spicy Bloody Mary. For lunch, she has classics with a twist, such as Tomato, Mozzarella, and Pesto Paninis and Old-Fashioned Potato Salad, which are simply delicious. Then there are Ina□ homey dinners -- from her own version of loin of pork stuffed with saut嶪d fennel to the exotic flavors of Eli□ Asian Salmon. And since Ina knows no one ever forgets what you serve for dessert, she includes recipes for outrageously luscious sweets like Peach and Blueberry Crumble, Pumpkin Mousse Parfait, and Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Icing.
Ina also lets readers in on her time-tested secrets for cooking and entertaining. Get the inside scoop on everything from what Ina considers when she□ designing a kitchen to menu-planning basics and how to make a dinner party fun (here□ a hint: it doesn□ involve making complicated food!).
Along with beautiful photographs of Ina□ dishes, her home, and the East Hampton she loves, this book is filled with signature recipes that strike the perfect balance between elegance and casual comfort. With her most indispensable collection yet, Ina Garten proves beyond a shadow of doubt that there truly is no place like home.
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